Expoziție ONLINE: Sophie Taeuber-Arp (MoMA The Museum of Modern Art) (SUA)
Eveniment Online
MoMA, Muzeul de Artă Modernă din New York, prezintă online expoziția care o are în reflector pe artista Sophie Taeuber-Arp.
„Sophie Taeuber-Arp was a central figure in many of the most important avant-garde movements of the first half of the twentieth-century.
Uniting her uniquely interdisciplinary output was a strong visual language of abstraction, which she investigated across mediums in her multifaceted practice as a painter, sculptor, dancer, teacher, writer, and designer of textiles, fashion accessories, stage sets, marionettes, and interiors. Born in Davos, Switzerland, Taeuber-Arp studied art and design in Germany before eventually moving to Zurich, where she taught textile design at the School of Applied Arts and where, in 1915, she met the Alsatian artist and poet Jean (Hans) Arp, who would become her husband and frequent collaborator.”
Prezentarea online a expoziției este disponibilă pe https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/moma-the-museum-of-modern-art?hl=en
Colecția muzeului este disponibilă pe https://www.moma.org/collection/
Incepand de Miercuri - 08.04 pana Duminică - 31.05